Art review

Yumi’s Cells Season 1: A Review

Humans are far the most complicated beings on Earth that revolve around what their heart and mind opt out for, each of whom consists of diversified braincells at a personal dose. That being said, even the slightest difference of ingredients can make up an entirely distinctive personality from one another. Here in the fantasy world… Continue reading Yumi’s Cells Season 1: A Review

Art review

Our Beloved Summer: A Review

I usually make up my mind to write a drama review upon watching the ending, by contemplating whether this drama is worth my time and energy or not. This is one of the very few occasions that I would write a review for a still ongoing drama, amidst days of waiting another week to uncover… Continue reading Our Beloved Summer: A Review

Art review

Hometown Cha Cha Cha: A Review

Here's a thing about Kim Seon Ho's past scandal: a lot of people, including myself, owe him a genuine apology for what we had accused him of in mind before the truth came to light. I even wrote a scribbling post expressing my disappointment in him when the scandal first occurred, which was exposed right… Continue reading Hometown Cha Cha Cha: A Review

Random Thoughts

Another Downhill, Another Downfall

As an avid reader of the news circulating within the South Korean entertainment industry, I have really enjoyed bits of information that I come across, whether positive or negative ones. They all allude to one single perspective I believe we can all agree on: most celebrities rely on their image. I actually have lost count… Continue reading Another Downhill, Another Downfall

Art review

Youth of May: A Review

Throughout my study with regard to the subject of History, I would remember the month of May as a month of powerful youth movements that triggered a revolutionary change but also took the lives of many young souls with heavy fighting spirit. In Indonesia, the biggest student protest and public turmoil demanding government reform was… Continue reading Youth of May: A Review

Random Thoughts

My Heart in a Nutshell

Looking back at the whole train wreck we had survived last year, it's only fair to say that 2021 has been soo average this far. The world is still crawling back to contain the damages without any significant sign of expected subdued recovery, apart of the coronavirus vaccine development & distributions. I, too, believe that… Continue reading My Heart in a Nutshell